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Some selected accolades
Rand Elliot Light Prize
Lyn Gunther Memorial Arts Scholar
W&W Steel Competition Honorable Mention
Oklahoma State Research Symposium Award
OSU SOA Alumni Book Award
As an artist, I create to understand the gap that seeps the light in. The light of an inexplicable feeling, of awe, of uncertainty and curiosity - the gap that makes you and I feel like we need to disavow our capacity of redemption or to feel the madness of the world we live in. As an artist, I create to feel it all, to feel the brokenness, the nostalgia, the silver lining. I create to chase the light.
The pitfalls of human nature is our own lack of empathy. Design is complex and should be human-centered. Empathizing is being sensitive and aware of the experience of the user. Allowing yourself to see through the user’s eyes and setting aside the assumptions. Empathy is the drive to take action.
To never cut short of creativity or innovation, to be willing to explore beyond the limitations. What are boundaries when you have the muse of curiosity? To be curious is to dig deeper, to embrace iterations, and to cultivate adaptability in design.
The strength of design is the ability to connect to people. Vulnerability is the birthplace of change. To not design in a vacuum by including the perspectives of our peers. The priority of design is people, not ourselves.